Swift Current & District Chamber of Commerce

Swift Current & District Chamber of Commerce Inc.



Advertising & Marketing ServicesNon-Profit Organizations

About Us

We are an independent non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to enhancing the business community of the Southwest by actively promoting economic growth and providing a collective voice for the benefit of our members.

- Advocacy for local businesses at the local, provincial and national levels
- Educational seminars providing training opportunities to local businesses
- Marketing projects that promote local business such as Chamber Connect
- Business to Business networking events like Chamber on Tap
- Advertising opportunities at a discounted rate (i.e. email blasts, banner advertising, etc.)
- Recognition of our outstanding businesses at events such as SCBEX
- Sponsorship opportunities

One important function of the Chamber of Commerce involves offering benefits to small and medium sized businesses that would otherwise be unavailable or at a discounted rate, such as:
- Preferred rates on electronic processing of VISA (1.55%) Mastercard (1.60%) and debit cards ($0.05/transaction) through FirstData
- Chamber Group Retirement Plan
- ESSO Fuel Program - a fuel discount ($0.035 per litre) - offered to the company and its employees - at all Canadian ESSO-branded service stations
- Home, auto and travel insurance through Johnson Inc.
- Mystery shopper program through Competitactics
- SME-oriented online training courses through the Chamber E-Learning Centre
- A reduced rate discount on documentation certification fees such as certificates of origin

And so much more!


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